Friday 15 January 2016

25 word pitch


  1. The pitch as a whole was clearly thought out and well delivered. I'm not so sure that the magazine name is original but it works well.

  2. The pitch as a whole was clearly thought out and well delivered. I'm not so sure that the magazine name is original but it works well.

  3. I think your idea is really cool, and your name of the magazine is inspirational!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I like the idea, the name has real meaning behind it. It has the potential to be a great magazine from the pitch.

  5. I like the idea, the name has real meaning behind it. It has the potential to be a great magazine from the pitch.

  6. The words chosen give a very good idea of what your magazine will include, I like how this is very different to other ideas.

  7. Very different genre of magazine, I think it will make it stand out and look really unique. Your words give a good insight to the look your magazine will have.

  8. This is a good pitch as you spoke confidently about each word you chose for your pitch and evaluated the words very well. This pitch shows your magazine will work well.

  9. Interesting genre and I think it will work well. You've clearly considered the target audience when coming up with ideas for your magazine.

  10. This is a good pitch that was well delivered. It clearly shows the main themes of your magazine and the target audience was well considered.

  11. Really confident pitch, sounds like your magazine will work well and final design will look very effective.

  12. Good pitch, well thought out. Your magazine will work well.

  13. Good pitch, clear ideas of how your magazine will look.

  14. Good pitch, clear ideas of how your magazine will look.
